Mojito De Parcha

Who doesn’t love a fresh fruity cocktail on a warm day? Mojitos are one of my go-to cocktail recipes, there’s just something irresistible about that combination of mint and lime. It’s also one of those drinks that adapts to different fruity variations and can easily be converted into a mocktail version.

I’ve been obsessed with anything passion fruit since I was a little kid. I have so many memories of growing up in Ecuador and drinking the best passion fruit juice. I love using this fruit in everything from drinks, to desserts, and even savory dishes. In Ecuador, we mainly had the large yellow passion fruits. In the US and Europe, these are harder to find, it’s easier to get the smaller purple variety.


One of the things I get asked frequently is how to choose a good passion fruit. I usually pick them up and go with the ones that are heavier. Even if the sizes are similar, the heavier ones will have more fruit/pulp inside. If you are planning to eat them or use them immediately then choose ones that have started to wrinkle. Their pulp will be sweeter.

Pfirsich Mojito Alkoholfrei Rezept

However, if you aren’t planning to use them quickly then you can pick ones with less wrinkles as they will last longer. I just keep them on the counter, but if they start to get a lot of wrinkles and I want them to last longer I will put them in the refrigerator. If you have a lot of them, you can also remove the pulp (with the seeds) and freeze the pulp in a freezer container, in small freezer bags, or even put the pulp into ice cubes trays.

You can make your own pure passion fruit juice concentrate using fresh fruit or you can use the frozen concentrate. I would avoid using store-bought sweetened passion fruit juice because it usually has other ingredients (grape juice) and sugar. However, if you only have the store-bought sweetened juice, then simply use less simple syrup – you might still need some. You can also add extra lime juice if the store-bought juice is lacking the tartness that the fresh/frozen concentrate usually has.

According to my brother, he tries to avoid breaking up the seeds when blending pure passion fruit pulp because the seeds will make you sleepy. Some people also don’t like the visual element that the additional specs of seeds add to the drink. So, to keep the seeds from breaking it’s important to pulse and blend gently. The goal is to help the pulp part get released from the seeds without breaking the seeds. Of course, if you don’t care about these factors then you can blend it on a higher speed and then try to strain it to your liking.

Passion Fruit Mojitos

The packs of frozen concentrate, usually found at Latin grocery stores, also work well for mojitos. Frozen concentrate is also a more affordable alternative when you live in countries where fresh passion fruits are expensive. My strategy for these cases is to use the frozen concentrate for the drink mix. I buy just a few fresh passion fruits to use the pulp (including the seeds) for the garnish or to mix into each individual glass.

You can make this passion fruit mojito in individual glasses or in a pitcher. I find it easier, especially for a party or when entertaining to make them in a pitcher. Just add a small amount of sparkling water to the pitcher and let each person top off their own glass with extra sparkling water or club soda. I put extra ice cubes, a small amount of fresh passion fruit pulp, extra mint leaves, and lime slices in each glass.


You can also omit the rum from the pitcher and let each guest add their own. I find that some people like it extra strong and some people prefer less alcohol in their mojito. This also allows people to omit the alcohol if they prefer a mocktail version. For the mocktail version, I add extra sparkling water and/or some sparkling lemonade to replace the rum.

Best Passion Fruit Mojito Recipe

Simple and refreshing kiwi mojito cocktails made with kiwi, lime juice, mint leaves, sugar or simple syrup, sparkling water, rum, and ice.

Easy strawberry mojito recipe, this refreshing Latin cocktail is made with fresh strawberries, lime juice, sugar cane juice or sugar, mint leaves, sparkling water, and rum.


Refreshing and easy tangerine or mandarin mojito recipe, this citrusy Latin cocktail is made with fresh mandarin juice, lime juice, sugar cane juice or sugar, mint leaves, sparkling water, and rum.

Mojito De Naranja Y Parcha

Colorful and refreshing citrus pomegranate mojito made with pomegranate juice, citrus fruit including blood oranges and mandarins, honey, mint, sparkling water, and arak (anise liquor).We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page..

El Mojito de Parcha o maracuyá es una bebida tradicional en Puerto Rico que combina lo refrescante de la fruta con un toque cítrico perfecto para disfrutarlo en cualquier ocasión. Esta bebida guarda historia y tradición donde puede volver tuyo el proceso para elaborarla, seguramente en tu próxima reunión, los invitados quedaran impactados.


Así si buscabas una receta fácil, rápida y buenísima llegaste al lugar indicado, ya que en Recetas Boricuas te guiaremos paso a paso para sacarle el mayor provecho a esta bebida.

Passion Fruit Mojito

Primero, en un vaso ponemos las hojas de menta, el azúcar y el medio limón partido en 4 pedazos pequeños y maceramos los ingredientes con el cuidado de no moler las hojas de menta.

Por ultimo, terminamos de llenar el vaso con soda o agua tónica, mezclamos y decoramos con una ramita o algunas hojas de menta y una rodaja de limón.


Finalmente nuestra receta de Mojito de Parcha Boricua esta lista, recuerda que los ingrediente siempre serán una guía, pero tu puedes probar la combinación que sea mejor para ti, ya se usando mas ron o no, modificando la cantidad de parcha o incluso del azúcar. Recuerda visitar nuestra sección de Bebidas Tradicionales de Puerto Rico para más recetas como esta.

Mojito De Parcha Light

Si desea ver a Carlos contándonos el procedimiento para hacer mojito de parcha puertorriqueño, te invito a que veas el siguiente video con instrucciones paso a paso.